The average house price on POPPY MEADOW CLOSE is £460,600
The most expensive house in the street is 10 POPPY MEADOW CLOSE with an estimated value of £717,847
The cheapest house in the street is 1 POPPY MEADOW CLOSE with an estimated value of £279,181
The house which was most recently sold was 9 POPPY MEADOW CLOSE, this sold on 30 Nov 2023 for £480,000
The postcode for POPPY MEADOW CLOSE is GL3 4XG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 POPPY MEADOW CLOSE Terraced £279,181 £221,143 28 Mar 2018
2 POPPY MEADOW CLOSE Terraced £279,181 £221,143 28 Mar 2018
3 POPPY MEADOW CLOSE Terraced £279,181 £221,143 28 Mar 2018
4 POPPY MEADOW CLOSE Terraced £279,181 £221,143 28 Mar 2018
5 POPPY MEADOW CLOSE Detached £441,856 £350,000 29 Mar 2018
6 POPPY MEADOW CLOSE Detached £706,970 £560,000 27 Mar 2018
7 POPPY MEADOW CLOSE Detached £701,409 £565,000 15 Oct 2018
9 POPPY MEADOW CLOSE Detached £480,000 30 Nov 2023
10 POPPY MEADOW CLOSE Detached £717,847 £575,000 13 Jul 2018